The Mission:
Follow Ben Harper’s acoustic tour from Portland, OR down to San Diego, CA, playing in the parking lot before and after each show, trying to attract the attention of his fan base and Ben himself. I will also be setting up venue shows for myself in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego.
A Little Background:
Ben Harper is one of my musical heroes. Everything about the guy. From the music he writes, the messages he stands for, and the way he conducts himself.
Last year, when I heard he was playing at Carnegie Hall, I travelled downtown and waited for him to come out, guitar in hand. After he greeted everyone I played him my song “Love Left In Me” and gave him a copy of my latest record, “Someday Soon.”
Operation: Ben Harper pt.1
He returned to NYC a few months later, this time playing Irving Plaza. After going backstage and speaking with him again, he seemed pretty excited about the record, asked for another copy and my phone number. Now, keep in mind he’s also one of the nicest dudes ever, so he just could have being very polite. I never did get that phone call, but, I’m optimistic that if he hears more of what I’m doing, and sees me perform, well….who knows*?
The Details:
Fly from Brooklyn, NY to Portland, OR on Nov. 10th with my large army utility bag, acoustic/electric Martin guitar, and portable amplifier with mic/cables. Rent a car and drive through 5 cities:

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When I get to each venue, I plan to park in the lot and set up next to the biggest crowd of people I see waiting to get in to the show. I will then proceed to sing my ass off.
I plan to make large sign that says something like: tweet to @BenHarper and tell him @JoeMarsonMusic should be opening for you.
I am going to collect as many email addresses as I can and possibly sell CD’s. Not sure of the legality of any of what I’m doing, especially any money making aspects so i will have to play this by ear.

I will be a mostly nocturnal creature for this mission. Sleeping in my car or at friends’ house in the day, playing/driving to next venue at night.
*Who knows? really describes a lot of this crazy plan. But what I do know is that with the music industry in shambles, independent musicians like myself have to start thinking outside the box. I’ll let you know what happens. I am nervous, excited, scared, excited again, terrified. Rinse, wash, repeat. Follow my social media channels for updates on my journey.
Someday Soon EP
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blog post #1